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Function Over Form

Welcome to Function Over Form! Explore a collection of on-chain games, utilities, and apps, all packaged as collectible NFTs. Now you have the power to choose your favorite games and apps and mint them directly into your wallet. Mints on Zora and BazAR!

Pick your favorite chain, then browse games and apps to use and mint!



Base Bitcoin Halving Clock

Bitcoin Halving Clock

Watch The Bitcoin Halving Countdown LIVE on-chain.

Have access to watching a piece of history right in your NFT collection!

Compound Interest Calculator 98`

Compound Interest Calc. 98`

A handy calculator for finding your accrued compounding interest for an investment over a set period of time.

-Set the APY percentage
-Define how often you add your earned interest into your capitol to earn more yield(Compounding Frequency)
-Enter your total amount originally invested
-Choose how long the investment will compound for, in years or months
-Select "Calculate", and the total shown is the amount of interst you will earn(it does not include your original investment amount)